VDFCA Shows Off New Pop Up Stand

Sally and Janet spent their August Bank Holiday at the Verwood Rotary Rustic Fayre to spread the word about Verwood’s dementia friendly community. We also took the chance to use our new pop up stand which was purchased with a grant from Dorset People and Older Persons Partnership (POPP). This stand enables us to set up a display almost instantly and provides a handy storage facility for extra leaflets etc.

We also had our usual small challenges. People were asked to name the Collectors Bear. Unfortunately, nobody came close to the name independently chosen so he will have to have an outing on another day. However, guessing the number of sweets in a jar proved more successful and clever Harry and Lottie carefully calculated 248. There were, in fact, 250 but they came pretty close, let’s hope they don’t eat them all at once!

We also advertised our Legal, Financial and Well-Being event at Crane Valley Golf Club on Wednesday 20th September 2017 from 1.30 – 4pm to include refreshments.